1.8 Professional Studies CEUS Pending



It may be stating the obvious, but in order to be a skilled interpreter, a person needs to be fluent in both languages: English and ASL. However, more often than would seem reasonable, interpreters come to the task unprepared for nuances and metamessages embedded in the message even in his or her native language. As for the second language (typically ASL), it is common that grammatical non-manual markers be mistaken for affective facial expressions. Careful study and practice is necessary to master both.
Miscues or skewing the message can occur when processing is on a cursory level without deep processing to the intent of the speaker. Presenter and participants will explore common issues that create misinterpretation of English, such as accents; prosody; metamessages; idioms, colloquialisms, slang, and euphemisms; or subject-specific jargons or lexicons. Fuller understanding of English as the source language will streamline the interpretation into the target language. Likewise ASL facial grammar will be juxtaposed to affective facial expressions to show the distinction made in ASL between grammatical structures and emotion.

In the first half of this workshop, Presenter will address aspects of English which native users may have overlooked in first perusal of a text. Presenter will introduce tools, resources, and tips to increase comprehension and conceptualization of English written and spoken texts. Participants will be given examples with which to practice. Since the focus of this section of workshop is on English comprehension, no ASL interpretation will be addressed in this workshop.

In the second half of this workshop, presenter will introduce participants to a re-awareness of the difference between non-manual markers (linguistic intent) and affect (emotional layering). Participants will engage in practical exercises to improve the recognition of the difference with the intent to improve receptive production as well as incorporating these ASL aspects to approach near-native production in expressive work.

Why We Do What We Do - Friday, 7p-9p

This workshop will focus on how we justify and explain the reasoning behind our decisions regarding our work. These determinations range from whether we accept and assignment to how we set things up and work during the assignment. During this workshop we will explore how we come to our decisions and how we explain them to others whether our team, deaf or hearing consumer or the hiring entity.

Saturday, 9a-12p

Exploring the Various Aspects of the Miranda Warning Pt 1

This workshop will explore the legal background of the Miranda Warning. Participants will build knowledge regarding the basic legal premise behind the Miranda Warning.

Deliberate Practice:  How?

What does it take to become an expert? The journey to be an expert bring practitioners to conferences, workshops, webinars, and/or mentoring to learn from other peers who have devoted hours of research and construction of their presentations to provide tools that can be taken home. However, passively listening to a lecture, reading a skill development book, or watching vlogs will not transform that person into an expert alone nor does working eighty hours a week. The key is to incorporate deliberate practice by taking the smallest skill unit as a goal to enhance and to practice it until it is mastered. Only after exhausting all possible ways of wringing learning from the practice can the next skill unit be identified and practiced.

Interpreting Effectively in Mental Health Settings

The goal of this workshop is to increase competency and effectiveness when interpreting in a mental health setting. This workshop will explain the mental health field; describe the clinicians you may encounter, and explain on an interpreter’s role in this dynamic and complex setting. This workshop will address interpreter-specific information such as the role of the interpreter, how to effectively navigate an interpreting assignment, and the subtleties involved in this specialized arena. Participants will learn an overview of mental health topics such as terminology, definitions, symptoms, assessments, and common diagnoses. The presenter will assist participants to develop the necessary understanding to work in a more ethical, proficient, and effective manner with both clinicians and consumers.

Saturday, 2p-5p

Exploring the Various Aspects of the Miranda Warning Part 2

This workshop will explore the interpreting tools needed to provide an accurate and appropriate interpretation for the Miranda Warning. Participants will first translate the Miranda Warning and then work towards an accurate interpretation.

Interpreting a History and Physical - What are Dr.s Thinking?

In nearly every professional encounter between the patient and the physician, the history and physical examination (H&P) underlies the physician’s thinking in how to structure questions and discussion during that interaction. In an interactive and collaborative workshop, using small and large group discussions, we will elicit participant perspectives on common medical interview questions, review the standard elements of the physician’s history and physical examination, and facilitate application of major discussion points by mock interpretation of brief, simulated patient-physician encounters.

It's a Process - ASL to English

Moving between two languages as an interpreter is not some magical trick; it is a practiced, carefully constructed process of deconstructing one language to a concept and then reconstructing to another language. In our field, several models have been presented to represent what is going on in our brains to create this phenomenon. Some compare it to juggling: receiving the message, processing the message, then producing the message simultaneously!

This workshop will familiarize participants with processing models taught in our field. Activities will allow participants the opportunity to practice techniques to move from the source language to the target language through translation, then consecutive, then simultaneous modes.

Sunday, 9a-12p

Isolations and Immunizations - How Medical Interpreters Can Protect Themselves on the Job

This session will highlight two general ways in which medical interpreter can protect their own health as well as protect the community at large: healthcare maintenance for the medical interpreter, and considerations when working in isolation environments. For the first, participants will explore (using small and large group interactions) what it means to interpret for patients in various types of isolation settings, the personal protective that should be used, and how to reduce contamination, infection, and the spread of various diseases. For the second, interpreters will learn about the standard screenings and immunizations recommended by the CDC that are becoming common mandates for staff members and contractors of healthcare systems nationwide. Information regarding the inherent dangers and potential repercussions of non-compliance to policies aimed at protecting the well-being of patients, staff, contractors, and the community at large will be presented from the point-of-view of a seasoned medical interpreter. Participants will come away with a clearer understanding of the unique healthcare risks faced when interpreting in medical settings and how to best mitigate these hazards.

Classifiers - A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words

Interpreters watching Deaf signers wonder why their own use of the language does not seem the same. Often the difference is the use of classifiers. Having a working knowledge of handshapes and inflection of classifiers will enhance an interpreter's ability to get the message across. This workshop will expose participants to standard linguistic research on the use of classifiers and tips on how to incorporate classifiers into their work.
Presenter will provide examples of classifier handshapes and their use in ASL through handouts and DVD clips of native signers. Presenter will reinforce concepts with linguistic terminology and model discussing the topic. Presenter will provide DVD text that participants will identify classifiers used by model. Presenter will provide handouts that have English text that participants will translate into ASL sentences focusing on classifier use. Participants will have group work to practice skills instructed and then discuss their experience using linguistic language instructed and modeled.

Layers! The interdisciplinary Study of Animation and ASL

Wink has studied the field of cartoon animation and computer generated images to find application for sign language interpreters. The process that animators go through to create their work of art is strikingly similar to how ASL images can be created and depicted. Animators often spend hours studying how objects work, move, look, and are expressed in order to deliver life-like attributes to them. If interpreters study these same techniques, they can finally produce work that sees the message through the lens of an animator rather than the filter of spoken English, exemplifying the adage “show, don’t tell.”Interpreters are often stumped when an object is introduced and they are stymied by how to begin to depict it. Following the concepts of animation, we find that they build objects in layers. This process allows animators to build the object section by section to give it a more 3D appeal.
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