VRID has several awards that are awarded on an annual or biannual basis. The awards are:
- Advocate of the Profession Award
- Decade Award
- Lifetime Dedication Award
- Educational Interpreter of the Year Award
- President's Award
In addition to the awards above, VRID offers a Certification Scholarship in the amount of the National Interpreter Certificate Testing Registration Cost. If you are interested in nominating an individual for an award or scholarship, please see the information below and nomination forms for criteria.

The Advocate of the Profession Award is bestowed upon non-members who have been responsible for a major positive influence or contribution to the field/profession of interpreting.
Failure to follow the rules below will render the application void.
Deadline for nominations to be announced.
Nomination must include:
- A letter of nomination must explain why the nominee is worthy of the Award
- Minimum of 3 endorsements (signatures or letters of support) from VRID members.
- Nomination Application Form

The Decade Award is bestowed upon VRID members who have consistently provided leadership and vision, during at least a decade of their career, to improving the field/profession of Interpreting in the Commonwealth.
Failure to follow the rules below will render the application void.
Deadline for nominations to be announced.
The nominee must:
- Be a VRID member in good standing for the past two (2) years,
- Not a current member of the VRID Board and/or the Awards Committee.
- Have demonstrated leadership on local and/or state levels
- Have made significant contributions to the profession
Each nomination must include:
- Application
- Brief biography of the nominee including:
- Number of years in VRID
- Contributions made to the profession
- Positions held at local and state levels
- Rationale for nomination
- Nomination Application Form

The Lifetime Educator Award is bestowed upon a VRID and/or VAD member who has shown dedication and leadership in the field of interpreter education in Virginia.
Must have served as an interpreter educator or mentor for at least 10 years.
Deadline for nominations to be announced
The nominee must:
- Be either a VRID member in good standing, who is not a current member of the VRID Board or the Awards Committee, and/or a VAD member in good standing who is not a current member of the VAD Board or the VRID Board.
Nominations must include:

The Lifetime Dedication Award is bestowed upon a VRID and/or VAD member who has dedicated their life to improving the field/profession of Interpreting by making major contributions that have influenced the profession of interpreting within the Commonwealth.
Failure to follow the rules below will render the application void.
Deadline for nominations to be announced
The nominee must:
- Be either a VRID member in good standing for the past 5 years, who is not a current member of the VRID Board or the Awards Committee, and/or a VAD member in good standing for the past 5 years who is not a current member of the VAD Board or the VRID Board.
Nominations must include:
- Nomination letter, including details of the nominee’s background and experience
- Minimum of 10 signatures of individuals in support of the nomination
- Nomination Application Form

(also known as the Region II President’s Award)
The President’s Award is bestowed upon either an individual, a group of individuals or an entity, who have accomplished a single special achievement, which has greatly enhanced the field/profession of Interpreting in the Commonwealth since the last VRID Conference.
This award will be determined by the current president of VRID.

The Educational Interpreter of the Year Award was created by the VRID membership in May, 2002. Education at large has placed a greater demand on all of those involved in education, and the membership wishes to recognize an interpreter who has taken on this challenge and proven to be an Educational Interpreter that makes an impact in the professional and educational arenas. The impact of the interpreter’s work will be evident by:
- their model of professionalism
- their continued sense of professional development
- advocacy for appropriate working conditions for educational interpreters
- continued focus on excellence for the benefit of deaf students.
The settings for work for an educational interpreter are numerous and vary greatly, from resource/elective classes to regular mainstream settings. This award is for an interpreter who regularly interprets in the K-12 setting, and/or college/university setting.
Deadline for Nominations to be announced
Failure to follow the rules below will render the application void.
Nominations will be accepted from the community at large as well as interpreters nominating other interpreters.
Nominee must:
- Be a member in good standing of VRID
- Be an interpreter working in the education setting during the previous and current school year (e.g., 2009-2010 and 2010-2011)
Nominations must include:
- A letter with details of the nominee’s background, experience and involvement as an educational interpreter
- A minimum of 10 signatures in support of the nomination is required and may include educational interpreters, principals, parents, teachers, school staff and community interpreters.
- Nomination Application Form

The VRID Memorial Fund was established by the VRID membership in April, 2000 as a means to honor and remember individuals, both Deaf and hearing, who were ardent supporters of VRID and of interpreting in the state of Virginia. Several of these individuals, such as Lera and Bernard Moore, Vernon Cherry and Obie Nunn were VAD members who were instrumental in the establishment of VRID as an organization. In September, 2003, the purview of the renamed “Scholarship Fund” was expanded to allow for donations to be made “in honor of” individuals, both Deaf and hearing, who are currently ardent supporters of VRID and of interpreting in the state of Virginia.
In pursuit of honoring the spirit of these individuals, this VRID Scholarship Fund will provide funds to eligible members of VRID who wish to take one of the RID certification performance tests, but who are unable to afford all or part of the testing fee.
With permission of the RID Board and the RID Scholarships and Awards Committee, the criteria for the VRID Memorial Scholarship Fund will parallel, as much as possible, the criteria and rules set forth by the Daniel H. Pokorny Memorial Scholarship Award.
The VRID Recipient will be presented with:
- Certificate of Recognition
- A monetary award (in the form of a voucher to be submitted when applying for the NIC).
Failure to follow the rules below will render the application void.
Application and supporting documentation must be postmarked by October 1.
Awards are for future tests. Reimbursements will not be granted for tests previously taken.
Applicant must :
- Be a member in good standing of VRID for the 12 months prior to applying
- Be a member in good standing of VRID on July 1 of the award year.
- Be a member in good standing of RID at either the Associate or Student
- Be a member in good standing of RID at either the Associate or Student level on July 1 of the award year.
- Have successfully passed all the NIC written test prior to applying for performance test funding.
Applicant is eligible to receive no more than one award for each test taken. If no award is received, applicant may apply again during the next award cycle. Recipients of awards will be determined by a majority vote by the VRID Scholarship Award committee. Eligibility will be determined by applications, supporting documentation and financial need.
Applicant must submit 4 copies of the application and documentation for each Committee member and for the VRID representative. All material will be sent to the VRID Secretary, who will send copies to committee members.
Awards will be made once a year for the National Interpreter Certification (NIC). During even numbered years, awards will be announced at the VRID state biennial conference as well as announced in the VRID Online Digest. During odd numbered years, awards will be announced in the VRID Online Digest. Award amount and number of awards will be determined annually by the committee.
Award recipients must submit test application and request for a testing date and site within twelve (12) months of award being granted. Failure to apply and request date and site in twelve (12) months will render the voucher void.

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