VSDB and the VDOE Educational Interpreter Training Grant present...
The Classifier Zone: Cross Into a New Dimension with Classifiers

Presented by
When: Saturday, April 13, 2019
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Cost: VRID Members - $50.00
Non-Members - $60.00
VRID Students - $25.00
VDOE Grant participants- Free
Location: Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind
104 VSDB Drive, Staunton, VA 24401
FLYER HERE: flyer April 13,2019.docx
Workshop Information:
There is a sixth dimension that is unknown to most interpreters and learners of American Sign Language. It is a dimension vast as space and timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow and it lies in the pit of every learner’s fear and in the sunlight of their knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area that might be called The Classifier Zone. Unlock the door into the world of classifiers with the key of creativity and delve into how classifiers convey; grammatical aspects in ASL, different points of view, different meanings when combined with non-manual signals, cinematic qualities that further enhance the visual picture and ultimately provide more processing time by economizing signs and interpretations. Once you pass into The Classifier Zone you will incorporate more classifiers in your signing and interpreting choices making your message multidimensional.
Presenter Biography: Sam Parker
Sam Parker (CSC, ASLTA Master, MFA, NC Licensed Interpreter) a native of Virginia and a child of deaf parents, holds CSC certification from the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf and has worked as a community interpreter across the nation for more than 35 years. Currently, Sam is a Clinical Professor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) as the coordinator of the 4 year Interpreter Preparation program. As an instructor, Sam holds ASLTA certification and has taught numerous courses in ASL/interpreting. In 2009, Sam was honored to receive the Teaching Excellence Award from the School of Education at UNCG. He has presented nationally for the past twenty years teaching workshops on Grammar, Classifiers, Ethics, Theatrical Interpreting, and Voice training utilizing the Linklater Technique. Sam’s passion is acting and theatre and he has studied theatre and acting for the past 30 years. He has a Masters of Fine Arts degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in acting with an emphasis on voice. His studies in acting have availed him the opportunity to travel to numerous cities; he has also studied acting at the Royal National Theatre in London. Sam’s passion for theatre and performing has led to his one man show entitled “An Interpreters Life…” which he has performed for deaf and hearing audiences.
Cancellation Policy: Full refunds will be issued if written notice is provided to VRID by March 30th, two weeks prior to the event. No refunds will be issued within two weeks of the event start date. To request accommodations or any other questions please contact Kathy Campbell (kathy.campbell@vsdb.k12.va.us) or Tammy Fortune (vridpres@gmail.com) for further information.