Idioms: Do You See What I'm Saying? by Wink Smith

  • 13 Jul 2019
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Radford University 801 E. Main St. Radford, VA 24142


  • Please contact your grant coordinator for the code.

Registration is closed

The Virginia Department of Education Interpreter Grant & VRID Presents

"Idioms: Do You See What I'm Saying?"

  Presented by Wink Smith


VIEW FLYER HERE: flyer july 2019.pdf

When: Saturday, July 13, 2019

           9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 

Cost:  VRID Members - $50.00

          VRID Non-Members - $60.00

          VRID Student Members - $25.00

          DOE Grant Participants - FREE (with code)


Radford University

Bonnie Hurlburt Student Center "The Bonnie"

        Rooms 249/250

Workshop Information: 

English idioms can be an interpreter’s worst nightmare. However, idioms are a common form of expression, used with purpose. Imagine interpreting the phrase, “there is more than one way to skin a cat.” When I was a kid, I signed that — almost verbatim — to my Deaf father. Let’s just say we spent an additional 15 minutes clearing up why the mechanic would want my dad to skin our cat. This workshop isn’t limited to only practicing these idioms. Rather, interpreting idioms becomes easier with a little theory to build these interpretations upon. This workshop sets the groundwork for deconstructing English idioms in order to determine their core meaning and strategies to effectively interpret them into ASL concepts. *Presented in ASL*

Presenter Biography: Linguist, Entertainer, Presenter, Interpreter 

Wink, MA, MBA, NIC Master, enjoys researching and creating various workshops that focus on skill building through deliberate practice, which he wrote about in the RID Views, Winter 2012 issue. Presenting workshops the last ten years at national conferences (NAD, RID, Silent Weekend) regional conferences (RID I, II, III, IV, V), state conferences, and local workshops across the nation has given Wink experiences to enhance applications for interpreters of all levels. Wink is widely noted for the comfortable atmosphere he creates and the passion he exudes. Currently Wink travels full time performing, presenting workshops, and managing Winkshop, Inc, through which he has developed a dozen training DVDs. A fun fact: in 2016 alone, Wink traveled professionally enough miles to circle the earth over three times. ASL:

To request accommodations or any other questions please contact Karen Stinson at


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