NVCC and the VDOE Educational Interpreter Training Grant provided by Marla Pollack present...
"Eye Gaze and Role Shift and Space... Oh My!"
Presented by Sabrina Smith, PhD
VIEW FLYER: 2.22.2020 flyer.pdf
When: Saturday, February 22, 2020
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Cost: VRID Members - $50.00
Non-Members - $75.00
NVCC Interpreting Students/Grant participants- Free
Location: NVCC
8333 Little River Turnpike Annandale, VA 22003
Building CN, Room 227
NOTE: Certificates of Attendance will be given at conclusion, Parking is open in Lot B or garage, Coffee and Refreshments will be provided in the morning
Workshop Information:
How many times have our diagnostic results come back from testing only to see things like “use of space would have enhanced the product”? This workshop has a specific focus on eye gaze, role shift, and use of space in the ASL product. Many times, when an interpreter is working into the ASL product, they struggle with showing the relationship between people and objects in the setting. This workshop will allow hands on activities for the participants to practice using those skills. The workshop starts out with a discussion of the importance of these skills, then leads into basic sentence samples which allow the participants to manage the work in smaller chunks. As the day progresses, the activities will become longer and focus on the whole product.
Presenter Biography: Sabrina Smith, PhD
Sabrina Smith has been involved in the interpreting field for over 20 years. She is Nationally certified through RID: CI and CT, as well as NIC Master and Ed:K-12. She works as an educational interpreter and has been interpreting in the school system for over 17 years in elementary, middle and high school settings. She also works as a video relay interpreter with Sorenson Communications where she has been employed over 10 years. She enjoys encouraging interpreters of all levels and mentoring people across the United States. She works as a freelance interpreter, an instructor at local community colleges, and as a performing arts interpreter for theatre’s and concert venues in her area. She served as the Region II delegate for IEIS (Interpreters in Educational and Instructional Settings) from 2015-17. She has presented various workshops across the country, and also presented abroad in Peru helping to empower the Deaf community to seek interpreters for their children in mainstreamed schools. Feel free to contact her about mentoring, presenting, or just general questions about the field of interpreting at sabrinatempie.wixsite.com/aslterp
ADA Accommodations must be requested by February 21, contact Marla Pollack (mspollack@fcps.edu) or Paula Debes (pdebes@nvcc.edu)
"VRID is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities.This Professional Studies program is offered for 0.6 CEUs at the Little/None Content Knowledge Level."