Deliberate Practice, How?
July 18, 2020 1p-4p Eastern
Wink Smith Jr.
Presented through ZOOM
What does it take to become an expert? Passively listening to a lecture, reading a skill development book, and watching vlogs will not transform that practitioner into an expert, nor will working eighty hours a week. The key is to incorporate deliberate practice: identify a narrow goal, and practice that skill unit until it is mastered. Wink brings research from Simon and Chase, Ericsson, and Bloom to sign language interpreters to forever dispel the myth that mastery is unattainable.This workshop breaks down how participants can analyze and identify their own goals for practice,demonstrates how to deliberately practice discrete linguistic aspects, and provides an opportunity to begin this process.
This workshop is presented in ASL
Level of Participant’s Prior Knowledge of Topic: Little/None
Target Audience: Working and student interpreters
Presenter Bio
Wink, MA, MBA, NIC Master, enjoys researching and creating various workshops that focus on skill building through deliberate practice, which he wrote about in the RID Views, Winter 2012 issue. Presenting workshops the last ten years at national conferences (NAD, RID, Silent Weekend) regional conferences (RID I, II, III, IV, V), state conferences, and local workshops across the nation has given Wink experiences to enhance applications for interpreters of all levels. Wink is widely noted for the comfortable atmosphere he creates and the passion he exudes. Currently Wink travels full time performing, presenting workshops, and managing Winkshop, Inc, through which he has developed a dozen training DVDs. Wink currently is working on his PhD in linguistics from Gallaudet University where he investigates the embodied motivations of depiction. (ASL: https://youtu.be/o4Pv0mAqETA)

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